
The Term Ergonomics

Ergonomics is an important term that is currently receiving a great deal of attention from safety professionals. What is ergonomics and how could it affect you? Ergonomics is the scientific study of human work. It […]


Ten Keys to Accident Prevention

  The following are 10 keys to accident prevention: Ownership Give employees responsibility for planning and conducting inspections, for analyzing their own data on work hazards, and for designing safety checklists Leadership Set an example. […]

Safety in the Kitchen

Safety in the Kitchen

Some of us are preparing food in our office, after-work grilling, and, in the home. Today’s topic will focus on knives and fires – two of the most dangerous things around the kitchen (after people […]

Safety atitude

Horseplay – Don’t Do It!

  A Carpenter was injured during a horseplay incident that occurred when employees were returning from their lunch break. He exited his vehicle to approach employees who were engaged in a water fight, and neglected […]

Electrical Safety

Understanding Electrical Breakers

The process of forcing electrons to move through a material creates electricity. A standard generator performs this process. The best material for carrying electricity is a “conductor.” Most metals are excellent conductors and the most […]


What Are the Dangers of Power Tools?

Appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety goggles and gloves must be worn to protect against hazards that may be encountered while using hand tools. Workplace floors shall be kept as clean and dry as […]

Construction Safety

Striking hand tools

Hammers and other striking tools are possibly the most widely used and perhaps the most often abused of all hand tools. Here are some rules for the safe use of striking tools: Use only for […]

Hearing Protection

Hearing Protectors : OSH Answers

How can I protect my hearing at work? The surest method of preventing occupational deafness is to reduce noise at the source by engineering methods. However, in certain workplace conditions, there is very little or […]

Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection

Do you enjoy hearing your kids call your name? Do you like listening to your car or “truck radio, your CD or tape deck, or that great noise a crowd makes at a ball game? […]