
What does a Accident Cost?

Every accident has something in common: It costs everyone involved something. There are direct and indirect costs, both to the employee who was injured and the employer who eventually will pay for the accident. The […]


Accident are Avoidable

Each time someone is injured, we need to ask ourselves “how did it happen?” Accidents just don’t happen, they are caused. Accidents are usually a result of someone not paying attention or not knowing how […]

Prevent incident and accidents

Anticipate Incidents

One of the key words in incident prevention is “anticipate”. By anticipating what could happen, it is possible to take safety steps to prevent an accident. One of the steps we can take is to […]

Prevent incident and accidents

What can you do to prevent accidents

Have you ever wondered what you can do to prevent accidents? Maybe, like many people, you believe accidents are bound to happen and there’s not much you can do about them. Or, you may think […]

Prevent incident and accidents

Ten Rules to Preserve Ten Fingers

When we talk of someone being injured, we usually think of serious injuries, such as that Beware of pinch points. Train yourself to recognize pinch pints and avoid placing your hands and fingers in such […]

Prevent incident and accidents

Common Sense and Accident Prevention

Generally speaking, we are not born with common sense, we acquire it throughout life. Actually, common sense is really common experience we learn about life from others’ experiences as well as our own. Awareness of […]

Prevent incident and accidents

Teamwork prevents incident and accidents

Teamwork keeps workers safe and production high at any job. Teamwork prevents accidents. All we have to do is: think of the other person’s safety as well as our own. Think about driving as one […]