A work space which is well-planned, orderly, clean and safe is a big help in producing good work on time.
You may not be able to control everything about your work space, but there is much you can do as an individual to make it better. The benefits could be improved comfort, health and safety for yourself and your fellow workers.
Take a look around your area, and look for ways to streamline your work. Here are some ideas:
Clean it up. Remove trash and scrap and place it in the proper receptacles. Return unnecessary tools, equipment and supplies to the tool room so others can use them.
- Make sure it stays clean and tidy. Place trash and recycling receptacles in strategic areas. Establish a system for keeping trash and clutter cleaned up on each work shift.
- Arrange your work area in a logical manner to save unnecessary steps. Ensure the supplies and tools you use most often are within reach. Items required less frequently should be placed further away.
- Adjust the height of your chair or stool, and desk or bench for maximum comfort and efficiency. If you are sitting down, your knees should be slightly higher than your hips — use a footrest if necessary. If you are standing or sitting at a high stool, have a footrest available so you can put one foot up. This eases the strain on your back.
- Check the lighting. It should be bright enough to see the work. There should be adequate contrast of light and shadow to see clearly. Adjust window coverings and light sources to remove glare from computer screens and shiny work surfaces.
If you are having trouble getting a job done efficiently, look for solutions in the arrangement of your work area.
Rearranging your work station for maximum efficiency is not a job you just do once. You need to keep fine-tuning it every day.
If you drop it pick it up If you spill it Clean it up